
Continuing Research

This research project was started by me, Melody Howse as a Master work in Visual and Media Anthropology at the Freie Universitäte Berlin as a place where people, mothers, fathers, friends and expectant parents could visit and have a window into an experience which affects many new parents at some point in the first years.

As time progresses most people experience a consolidation of sleep, as this change occurs the experience and the memory of the sleeplessness that preceded fades and alters. The next phase of this research project will be continuing working with people who are experiencing the sleepless phase as well as adding and exploring the missing parts of this experience, such as the fathers or partners perspective and the experience of those who have recently come out of the other side to find out how it is remembered or felt in the near past. In doing so I hope to add further pages to the website and build an archive of experience that creates a deeper understanding of the realities of this phase which both engenders support and empathy for those who find themselves in the midst of this time or have been affected by this experience.

Contribute to research

If you are interesting in contributing to this research or finding out more please contact me on: upallnightaphenomenon@gmail.com