I think reading a lot of baby books helped me be somewhat prepared, having a lot of help was very important for me, but no matter what I read, I never imagined how it will affect my emotions and moods.
I expected night wakings when he was small, but I believed the books which said that after 6 months they usually sleep through! This didn’t happen.
I read on a blog though that you should just stop counting the
hours of sleep you got/missed and try to focus on other things because this
will not change for a while. I have to say that has really helped me change my
mindset. Now I just try to get through the day. I’m still really really
tired, but just trying not to focus on it!
When he was a year old and was still not sleeping through the night I wasn’t coping well at all...because at that point all I could think was he should be sleeping through,
so you are just simply frustrated. And then you start to second guess yourself
and what you are doing, and blaming yourself for their sleep issues which just
causes a host of other issues that makes coping extremely difficult.